Habits in Sports Trading: how to escape the boredom of repetition

Habits in Sports Trading: how to escape the boredom of repetition

The world of Sports Trading demands discipline and consistency to achieve lasting and successful results. It’s often the case that good habits form the bedrock of a professional Sports Trader’s career, given their direct impact on productivity, personal well-being, and the results one achieves.

However, for any activity that lends itself to repetition, boredom is right around the corner. This boredom can turn into a bad advisor, altering the correct investment choices.

Throughout my professional journey in the world of Sports Trading, I have encountered various challenges and discovered effective strategies that helped me maintain high productivity and well-being.
In this article, I want to share the steps I have taken to tackle the boredom of repetition by establishing key habits that have allowed me to achieve positive results.

My 7 steps to escape boredom

1. Identify key habits

The first step in building good habits in Sports Trading is to identify the fundamental actions that contribute to your success. These may include data analysis, executing trading strategies, risk management, and self-performance evaluation. Focus on habits that have the most impact on your business and give them your undivided attention.

2. Customize your routine

Each individual operates on their own circadian rhythm and personal predilections. Customize your daily routine based on periods of peak productivity and concentration. For Instance, if you’re a “morning person,” you might prefer to perform data analysis and strategy planning early in the morning. Conversely, if you’re more active in the evening, that time might be better spent on self-evaluation and updating your trading journal.

3. Introduce variety and challenge

Boredom can creep in when activities become too repetitive. Bring variety to your routine by incorporating new trading strategies, exploring different markets, or spending time learning new tools and techniques. Challenge stimulates interest and keeps your passion for Sports Trading alive.

4. Visualize your goals

Always keep your long-term goals as a Sports Trader in sight. Constantly visualizing these objectives helps you stay motivated and understand how each good habit contributes to your overall success. When goals become the driving force behind your daily actions, the boredom of repetition will fade. Each step will have a well-defined purpose.

5. Renew your routines

Occasionally, take a moment to evaluate your habits and refresh your routine.  Ask yourself if some habits have lost their effectiveness and if new opportunities could enhance your approach. Be willing to change and adapt because the sports market is dynamic, and what worked in the past may not be as effective now.

6. Connect with the community

Join Sports Trader groups or online communities where you can exchange experiences, ideas, and strategies with other professionals. Sharing experiences helps overcome moments of stagnation and find new perspectives to improve your habits. The community can be an excellent source of inspiration and support.

7. Celebrate progress

Do not underestimate the importance of celebrating your progress and small victories. Recognizing positive results will motivate you to continue on the path to success. Reward yourself when you achieve set goals and take time to appreciate the hard work you’ve put into building good habits.

In conclusion, building and maintaining good habits in Sports Trading are essential for the success and well-being of professional traders. By striking the right balance between variety, challenge, clear goals, and the support of a community, you can effectively keep the monotony of repetition at bay and ensure that your passion for Sports Trading remains as vibrant as ever. Be willing to change, adapt, and constantly improve your routine to refine your skills and achieve new levels of success as a professional Sports Trader.

My Biohacking experience

My Biohacking experience

It has been quite a while since I first delved into Biohacking.
So, what is Biohacking? In simple terms, it involves reprogramming one’s habits and lifestyle aimed at achieving specific mental and physical wellness goals.

I embarked on this journey in early 2023, selecting experts who could introduce and guide me through this new realm.

My background is primarily in Trading, Financial Activities, and Investments. I also own three companies in Italy and one in Slovenia. 
In my profession, the mental framework and the quality of decision-making are critical. To take my mind to the next level, I needed to elevate my body as well.

Initial Resistance and First Steps in Biohacking

The beginning was not smooth, primarily due to my own initial resistance. Often, when faced with significant changes in lifestyle, we encounter various excuses and reluctance.

I began in July with precision medicine exams (DNA, microbiota, and hormonal) to understand my initial state. Once I received the results, I was supported by three different professionals, each specialized in their field: a Biohacker, a nutritionist, and a trainer. They helped me interpret the test results and set the best-suited plans for me.

Opting for Biohacking as a lifestyle choice, rather than a temporary fix, was pivotal. To achieve this, I had to introduce new concepts into my routines and gradually turn them into established habits without rushing and by prioritizing effectively.

First major goal: regulate my sleep

Poor sleep quality and insomnia were part of my daily life, significantly impacting my mental agility and performance. The first step was acquiring an Oura Ring. I’m passionate about hacking at all levels, from Growth Hacking in marketing to applying its principles in trading. The core principle is that without measurement, there is no experimentation, and without experimentation, there is no improvement.

Thanks to the Oura Ring, I could assign a numerical score to my disastrous initial data and appreciate the improvements as I introduced new practices. 

In just two months, my score improved from an average of 72, characterized by some concerning lows (50 on my worst nights), to an average of 82, with greater balance and consistency over time.

These practices significantly influenced the results:

  • Waking up at the same time every day (7:00 AM, even on weekends)
  • Going to bed around the same time each night, roughly at 11 PM
  • Wearing blue blockers glasses throughout the evening
  • Journaling before bedtime
  • Engaging in 10 minutes of meditation before sleep with Theta Binaural Tones.
  • An earlier dinner from 8:00 PM to 7:00 PM

Correcting my sleep disorder has brought tremendous benefits. Starting to sleep again is like starting to live again!

Second Biohacking Goal: Nutritional Supplementation

Having addressed the primary issue, I was highly motivated to identify which of the many received recommendations I could use to further enhance my well-being.

The next logical step of my biohacking journey was dietary supplementation

My diet has been optimized for many years, primarily protein-rich, with plenty of fruits and vegetables and minimal carbohydrates and sugars, mostly due to personal preference rather than imposition.

However, I hadn’t considered the possibility and benefits of providing additional contributions to my body in the form of supplements.
This second step significantly optimized my energy level and began contributing to another goal of mine: weight loss.

Third Goal: Losing Weight

My starting point was 76 kg in March 2022, not too many but inadequate for my height of 170 cm.

After just a year, I weighed 68 kg, which I consider an extraordinary result achieved within a reasonable time frame, without making drastic sacrifices. Despite frequent travel and dining out 3-4 times a week for work, my new habits helped maintain this progress.

A light body means a light mind, and it’s an enormous benefit that I experience daily.

Sleep and supplementation were crucial for this result, but the next crucial step was the introduction of intermittent fasting.

Since I prefer to proceed gradually, I waited until I had fully integrated the first two steps before embarking on this much-anticipated challenge. I introduced intermittent fasting in January of this year.

What can I say, I was amazed! The energy benefit provided by this simple practice is incredible!

I call it simple because the fasting regimen I introduced is absolutely light.It involves 16 hours between dinner and the next day’s lunch (essentially skipping only breakfast) three times a week (Monday, Wednesday, and Friday).

Initially, I was concerned, fearing headaches and suffering, but from the very first day, I realized how often we eat out of social habit rather than a genuine biological need.

It’s equally incredible how much energy and mental clarity this practice provides.

Fourth Biohacking Goal: Achieving Perfect Physical Shape

In the last month of the biohacking program, I embarked on, I was even more determined to elevate myself to the next level. Certainly, refreshed and motivated by the previous results, I must say it was effortless.

So, I decided to add three more crucial steps forward: Cryotherapy, Hydration, and Exercise.


The cold morning shower was a practice I had experimented with years ago and reintroduced with significant benefits: increased muscle tone, higher energy levels, improved mood, and noticeably better thermoregulation. 

I consider it a relatively simple step, taking only a few minutes that seamlessly fit into the morning routine, with no significant time or effort sacrifice. There’s a little resistance to overcome when I’m still in the waking phase, but my willpower grows stronger every day, and the benefits far outweigh the effort.

Much more challenging for me is to battle against the bad habit of drinking too little water.


By now, I’ve learned that it’s a matter of forming the habit and then incorporating the good habit into established routines as naturally as possible. 

Simply getting used to having a water bottle always available during my long trading sessions has significantly improved this aspect. Although I still need to commit to maintaining this habit consistently during the winter season.

Physical Exercise

Lastly, physical training, which is the most challenging part due to my tendency to be lazy. 

Pure willpower has allowed me to introduce simple 30-minute workout sessions every other day. I chose the most suitable time slot for my habits (late afternoon) and tried to establish a routine that could become as natural and time-efficient as possible. 

A few months down the line, the results are already noticeable, although I don’t always manage to maintain the consistency of time slots without excessive effort. Once the habit is firmly established, I can introduce more specific exercises. 

This is still a work in progress, but I hope it becomes a lifestyle over time, capable of further enhancing my professional performance and personal well-being.

5 influential factors for high-quality decision-making process

5 influential factors for high-quality decision-making process

I have always enjoyed the decision-making process, which, likely, influenced my professional path towards entrepreneurship and, especially, sport trading. A reality where decision-making is widely regarded as the cornerstone of success.

In recent years, my career as a sports trader has decidedly surpassed my entrepreneurial journey. It is significantly increasing the quantity of decisions to be taken in a shorter time frame with higher quality.

Indeed, as an entrepreneur, decisions are undoubtedly essential, but they often have a broader scope. They have more time to materialize and impact long-term results.
It’s undoubtedly in this realm that I’ve learned to make consistently higher-quality decisions.

As a Sports Trader, I face a considerably higher volume of decisions that demand swift action and have a substantial impact on short-term results. It’s here where I’ve learned to set the ground for a high-quality decision-making process, identifying the influencing factors over time.

A clear mind for quality decision-making process 

1. How to clear your mind?

The first prerequisite for a high-quality decision-making process is to keep your mind clear and uncluttered. Through daily practice, I have experienced how the best decisions require mental “space.” It’s challenging to make good decisions when your mind is cluttered, obscured by a muddle of thoughts. This mental approach helps me as well to beat insomnia.

Consequently, I’ve learned to organize my mind just as meticulously as I organize my room before working or my desk before a task.ù


First and foremost, through daily meditation (20 minutes each morning after breakfast). This is crucial to maintain a state of balance and calm. This simple habit helps me as well to beat insomnia with an evening meditation session.

Secondly, I try to avoid keeping too many decisions pending for extended periods, favoring quick and light decisions over elaborate decision-making processes.

Each decision carries the potential for error, which I accept.  What I don’t accept, however, is allowing these decisions to linger in a mental standby mode, piling up alongside other unresolved matters.

Of course, the importance of a decision dictates its treatment. The less critical it is, the quicker and more decisive the closure should be, accepting that any mistakes will likely have minimal impact on my results. 

This approach ensures that only a few decisions (the truly significant ones) have the privilege of occupying space in my mind, thereby receiving the attention and focus they deserve. Embracing a clear mind philosophy.

2. A right spot 

In my 20 years of pursuing a dual career, I’ve gradually come to understand that high-quality decision-making requires not only mental space but also physical space.

For this reason, I prefer to make the most important decisions in my office or in a designated room.
I personally tailor this environment to my preferences, ensuring it remains tranquil to foster the intuition and sensation I deem crucial for the decision-making process.

It might sound unconventional , but I rarely  assess a high-quality decision purely through a rational lens, such as the traditional pros and cons list which I seldom use.

A quality decision is made by certainly analysing the available data, but more importantly, by listening to and valuing my feelings, leaving sufficient room for “gut instincts.”

And in the comfort of “my” preferred environment, my gut instinct definitely serves me better.

3. Decision-making process timing 

We live in a hectic world that wrongly demands us to always be “on”, to constantly operate in a “live” mode. This approach doesn’t work well in decision-making processes.

A decision-making process not only requires its space but also its time. At least in my case, I avoid the tendency to be constantly engaged in that process.

Of course, every human continuously makes decisions in a broad sense: choosing what to wear, deciding what to eat, and so on.
However, we made many of these decisions through automatisms that expends the least amount of our energy..

On the other hand, there are decisions that are far from automatic and require careful consideration, reflection, and intuition. I set aside distinct times for these decisions to prevent all-day decision-making. This keeps my process targeted and effective.

The best time within a day for me falls in the late morning or alternatively late afternoon. Moments when my energy level is at its peak, considering my chronotype and routines.

4. Recovery to get better results

Due to the specific nature of my profession, there are periods or days with a particularly high density of decisions to be made.
Over time, I’ve learned how important it is to schedule moments of “recovery” after of these intense periods.

Very much like an athlete, after their performance they always follow a recovery routine for body and mind. I find crucial to engage in a leisure activity after intense decision-making sessions.
The same principle applies after weeks of continuous intensity where I like to follow them with a “vacation”from these processes.

5. Warm-up

Complementary to the previous point, I’ve found immense value in establishing a warm-up routine in preparation for sessions of intensive decision-making.

What do I mean by “warm-up”?

As a Sports Trader, it means gradually regaining familiarity with the decision-making process after a period of inactivity.

Initially, I might engage in lighter sessions, making decisions that bear less consequence. Thereby easing back into the optimal mental framework and physical state for the more demanding periods that lie ahead.

On a smaller scale, this also occurs within a single day.
I arrange my routines to gradually increase in intensity to prepare for the specific analysis and decision-making session. As previously described, this usually has a very specific temporal and spatial placement.

In conclusion, refining the decision-making process is a daily discipline. It’s a practice that can make a difference in many professions, as well as in our personal lives.

Therefore, I firmly believe in the critical importance of investing time to explore, test, and perfect new approaches to enhancing the quality of the decision-making process.

Sport Trader challenges: how to lead hard times 

Sport Trader challenges: how to lead hard times 

Focusing on Sport Trader Challenges, we dive deep into the proven methods for navigating the complexities of this dynamic market during challenging phases of life.
Every phase of our lives, much like every temporal sequence , is marked by ups and downs. Not all days, weeks, or months are precisely alike. 

If we examine the performance chart of any stock or athlete over the course of a year, a general trend emerges. However, this trend is punctuated by notable highs and lows.

Such oscillations are also commonplace in the profession  of a Sport Trader. 

Over my  years of experience, I’ve come to appreciate a salient  truth: what determines our annual success or failure is our ability to manage and navigate those difficult moments. 

During a state of “flow,” everything aligns seamlessly: every decision feels right, and every move seems to pay off. But then there are those days or weeks when it seems like nothing is going as it should. It’s in these moments that it’s essential not only to protect what we have gained but also to position ourselves for future success.

Identify challenging times

Recognising that one is in a challenging phase is the first step toward navigating it successfully. 

Here are some indicators to consider:

1. Inconsistent outcomes  

When you notice that your results have become more variable than usual, it could be a sign that you’re entering a tough period.

2. Poor decisions-making

If you find that your choices are becoming less strategic or more impulsive, be cautious.

3. Pessimist  mindset

If you begin to doubt yourself or feel demotivated, you might be in a downward spiral.

Strategies to lead Sport Trader challenges

Once you’ve identified a difficult phase, here are some strategies to steer through it:

1. Stay calm

 Reacting on impulse is counterproductive. Take a moment to objectively evaluate the circumstances

2. Bide your time 

Occasionally , the best action is non-action. Wait for opportune  conditions before making pivotal decisions.

3. Increase your focus

Use this time as an opportunity to sharpen your attention and concentrate on what truly matters.

4. Take it step by step

Rather than trying to solve everything at once, address each challenge individually and methodically.

5. Embrace simple moves

In periods  of uncertainty, it’s better to stick to the basics strategies rather than complicate matters unnecessarily.

Remember, professionals in every field experience challenging times.
The key to enduring success is not the avoidance of these difficult periods but mastering the art of navigating them to come out stronger.

Sport Trading: 10 tips for those who want to start

Sport Trading: 10 tips for those who want to start

Becoming a Sport Trader is a long journey, fraught with sacrifices and difficult moments. 

I say this from experience, and I’m not here to encourage anyone to make such a commitment without fully understanding the long-term dedication it requires.
Like many other professions, sports trading requires commitment and dedication. It’s not an easy path; there are no gains without grinding.

Following in this article you will find 10 tips to become a professional Sport Trader if you want to embark on this challenging and incredibly fascinating journey.

1. A Sport Trader prioritise his work

To pursue a Sport Trader career, you need to possess both courage and, above all, an insatiable desire to succeed. 

This passion will fuel your daily efforts, help you overcome public skepticism, and drive you to constantly challenge and improve yourself.
There will be days when friends, your girlfriend (or wife), the stadium, or a dinner at a restaurant seem more attractive, but that’s when the desire to be an outstanding professional will make the difference. 

On the road to professionalism, this job will become an absolute priority, and only those with a fierce desire to succeed will reap the rewards of success.

2. Think bigger

Prudence and rationality can certainly be useful qualities within a strategy. However, this is a profession for big dreamers where one can never stop thinking big. 

The motivation for continuous improvement, self correction, and performance optimisation springs from lofty ambitions that transform into bigger, challenging objectives.

Clearly, achieving financial freedom might be the primary goal, but dreams are necessary even after this, as financial gain alone can no longer be the sole motivator. After 22 years, I am still here trying to improve upon the previous season, and part of this is owed to my ever larger and more challenging goals.

3. Open your mind 

Choosing the Sport Trader path implies a certain level of open-mindedness, as it is unconventional and fraught with risks.

In a rapidly evolving world, an open mind can be a significant asset, from preparation and performance to improving your strategy. 

How to achieve this? Reading, traveling and observing the unknown can be good places to start.

4. Develop personal thinking

Developing a critical mindset is essential, I learned this over time, thanks to the sport trading.

There are endless sports events analyses and predictions out there on the web.  Some of Those  are very interesting, while others are entirely off. 

I personally rely on certain trusted websites selected over the time, never forgetting the importance of my own perspective. Others opinions are helpful in enriching my evaluations, but independence in the final choice is a categorical imperative. 
The same occurs when formulating your strategy. Every  professional has a method that aligns with their skills and objectives. 

I have always opted for a “high-stake” approach, involving fewer high-volume moves because I don’t enjoy spending the entire day in front of a computer, unlike other professionals who make a quantity of moves using their strength. 

Each person has their unique strength , and everyone should uphold it!

5. Select  the right environment

Success to be a Sport Trader depends greatly on making the right choices at the right time. The quality of decision-making is strongly influenced by external factors, such as your working environment.

For me, the environment means having a specific place to analyse data and make operational decisions. A dedicated and exclusive and quiet office (not shared with others), in a business setting (I use Regus offices around the world, for example), and very well lit. 

Working in a shared office or in my bedroom, no matter how comfortable would be , does not produce the same level of performance. 

Even the city where  I live, while dedicating myself to sport trading , affects my decision-making process. The decision-making process is also influenced by how you spend your free  time or the city you live in.

 Not  all cities stimulate me the same way. 

London, New York, and Barcelona, for example, are much more stimulating than the city where I live.  Portoroz, Slovenia is a lovely seaside village but better suited for relaxation and holidays than high-performance work.

6. Look after your well-being 

The decision-making process is also influenced by maintaining good psychophysical balance. Each person has their uniqueness from this point of view and must organise themselves based on their individual characteristics. 

Special attention should be given to nutrition and physical activity

 A protein-based diet provides the right energy and is more functional for me than excess carbohydrates and sugars. 

Walking outdoors is the activity I prefer to oxygenate my brain, either before starting work or after closing an event to metabolize the result. It helps to detach myself from the emotional factor, and prepare for a subsequent cold analysis of my performance.

7. A Sport Trader proceed step by step

Thinking big doesn’t mean skipping stages. The journey is long, full of intermediate steps and goals to conquer one step at a time. 

A small achievement every day helps build a solid foundation for the project’s growth. 
I have a habit of breaking down my goals into many small sub-goals representing my “milestones,” as explained in the respective paragraph. 

My dream is divided into multiple “seasons.” 

My season is divided into a “first part” and a “second part.” 

Each half is divided into “months.” 

Every month consists of “weeks” and “midweeks,” and each of these mini-periods consists of individual days. 

So, by committing to do my best daily, I achieve the result of a positive midweek, then prepare for the following weekend, focusing on the individual days (Saturday and Sunday). 

With each passing day, I obtain the result of the month. Multiple months constitute a quadrimester, two quadrimesters form a season, and successive seasons bring me incrementally closer to my overarching goal.

Step by step, day by day.

8. Establish your routine

As mentioned earlier, many factors affect the decision-making process and, therefore, the Sport rader performance

Building your routines helps keep these factors connected in a single process and optimise your performance. 

For example, I have a set of daily activities, some related to my Sports Trading activity, others related to my private life or entrepreneurial activities. 

In recent years, I’ve found significant improvement in my performance by placing the daily analysis of sports events in the sports trading field as the first activity in the morning, right after I arrive at the office following my usual walk and coffee from the usual bar. 

The chronological order of your activities is essential, and generally, the first morning activity is carried out with higher quality. That’s why I decided to place the activity of analysing and selecting new events in that position. 

Similarly, I’ve found benefits in scheduling Friday mornings for weekend preparation. On this day I am typically packed with events related to the simultaneity of the main European championships.

The search for one’s own process, through trial and error, to identify the best conditions for optimal performance, is itself a matter of routine.

9. A Sport trader plan accurately

Success necessarily involves careful individual and professional planning

The Sport Trader strategy defines which events to follow, where to invest, and of what kind. 

Based on this, you need to organise your work and leisure time. For example, a lack of planning led me to schedule a vacation in Florida with friends at a critical time in my season. 

It severely affected my performance level, which was thrown off by different routines, spontaneous connections, and a jovial holiday atmosphere. That was rightly an obstacle for someone like me who needed concentration. 

The vacation was fantastic because, aware of the scheduling error, I preferred to put a stop to work and thus avoid the risk of ruining both the period’s performance and the entire holiday. 

From that moment on, each of my seasons has been meticulously planned: I know the peak and off-peak periods to balance between my profession, recovery, and leisure time. 

In peak moments, I already know where I will be and how I will organise my days. 

Nothing is left to chance.

10. Focus on metrics, not money

Anyone embarking on an entrepreneurial path must necessarily reconsider their relationship with money.

The numbers in your trading account are different from your personal finances, not just in amount but also in meaning and significance.

Sports trading is no different. The ability to create a profitable method in this field depends heavily on the ability to see numbers.  Dissociating oneself from the typical anxieties and emotions that are typical of individual money relationships. 

From my perspective, business and sports trading are the same in this regard, and certainly, my entrepreneurial experience has helped me a lot. 

As long as money is employed and invested in the business model, whatever it may be, it ceases to be just money, with its conventional meaning, and transforms into numbers. 

These numbers, with their cold objectivity, become an expression of trends, statistics, and performance indicators. 

When these numbers exit the business model, such as profit in a company or income in the case of a trader, once they return to personal possession, they resume their meaning as money, complete with its purchasing power and the resulting emotional connection. 

This is the main consideration that allows me to think on significantly larger scales within the business model without weighing down my psychological and emotional load.